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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Eco Defense Mosquito Repellent Bracelet

Here in Florida we are full of heat in the summer and rain. This kind of environment makes the perfect breeding ground for the pesky insect on earth. Yes, the tiniest little bug who is confused on how tiny it actually is. Yet, these small insects can cause big problems. It's not just itching and annoyance but they actually help accelerate transmission of disease and viruses. Yikes, Mosquitoes.

Now, there are tons of sprays, candles, and other items that claim to keep the bugs away. However, these products are filled with harmful chemicals. Toxic to you and me, the kids, our pets and the environment.

So why this bracelet?

1st- It's all natural and contains mostly oils

2nd- It doesn't involve covering yourself with sprays head to toe, it's very easy to put on as it has multiple holes for adjustment.

3rd- It's easy to remove, that is right wear and toss it.

My Amazon Review:

My kids are allergic to mosquitoes. We live in lovely wet summer Florida (breeding ground for mosquitoes). Lucky I found this product as we have tried other all natural ways to repel them, that don't seem to work for us. We've tried dryer sheets in the pockets and citronella plants throughout our yard. Nothing seems to work because apparently they love to eat my kids. We tried the product and it was great. No itchy boo-boos and no doses of benadryl and allergy cream. I love the fact it's all natural and you can hook these to the kids belt loops or fasten them around ankles. Great Product.

I did receive this product as a courtesy for a review on my blog www.simplysamples.blogspot.com

I received this product as a courtesy for an honest review.

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